Wednesday, May 20, 2020

String operations in C++

  • Program :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout <<"\n----------------STRING OPERATIONS----------------\n";
  string a = "C++ ";
  string b = "Programming";
  string c = a.append(b);
  string d = "Class";
  string e = "Cow";
  e[0] = 'W';
  string name;
  cout <<"\nString Concatenation is "<<c;
  cout <<"\nThe length of the string is " << b.length();
  cout <<"\nThe accessed characters in a string is " << d[0];
  cout <<"\nThe changed string character is " << e;
  cout <<"\n----------------USER INPUT STRINGS----------------\n";
  cout <<"\nEnter your full name: ";
  cin >> name;
  cout <<"\nYour name is : " << name;
  return 0;

  • Output :

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